Friday, November 30, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is a book where two people from each district [12 districts] fight to the death until one victor remains.  Katness and Peta are from the 12th district, the poorest district, are picked for the Hunger Games. This book is about the 74 Hunger Games and for the first time something different happens. Katness and Peta fight against 22 other people like Kato and Ru.
The Hunger Games is my favorite book. I like it because it is an interesting and violent story. They fight to the death— that is violent. My favorite part is when the tributes train for the Hunger Games. They show what they’re made of in the training. Some are ready, some are not. The Hunger Games is an amazing adventure.
         I would recommend this book for older readers and more experienced readers because it is a challenging book. I give this book five paws. 

Posted by: Germanhomeboy


  1. I liked the Hunger Games too. Did you read the rest of the series?

    1. No, but I will over winter break.

  2. i loved that book but you could have been more descriptive in your reasons germanhomeboy.

    1. Yea, I agree.

    2. This is a very good book i think a lot of readers should read this book.
