Thursday, December 13, 2012

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Karana is a Native American girl who lives with her little brother Ramo, big sister Ulape, and father (also the chief) Chowig on an island called Ghalas-at. Then, Karana’s father was killed when a group of Aleuts (European settling group) came to the island. After that a ship came to take them to another island to safety. Then Karana saw Ramo was on the shore with his fishing spear. Karana jumped out to sea to try to save him. When she got to shore, Karana found a pack of wild dogs had killed Ramo.
   I really enjoyed this book because Karana may have been stuck on the island, but she never gave up taking care of herself. She was brave, confident, courageous, and enthusiastic. For example, when she shot Rontu, she may not have taken care of herself, but she took care of an animal that could have killed her.
  I would recommend this book to anyone because I think that anyone would love it. It’s intense, it’s exciting, and it’s astoundingly amazing. I give this book 5 paws.                           

Posted by: Swim Queen


  1. Ive never seen this book but it sounds amazing! Did you have to read it or was it just for fun?

  2. How is she enthusiastic. Explain

  3. Very Interesting,but you might want to change the picture it is a bit to strange even for me and I eat Ice cream on cold pizza [Which isn't bad at all].
